Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Mark Wahlberg: I'm a Belieber!

He?s a draw everywhere he goes, so it makes sense that as a director, Mark Wahlberg is calling on Justin Bieber.

In a recent interview with MTV News, the ?Four Brothers? actor revealed the real reason why he wants to give the ?One Time? singer a chance at acting.

?I see the guy and spent time with him, and you see what he does and how he does it, and then you actually have a conversation with him, and it?s there,? Wahlberg told.

Thinking ahead to working with the Biebs, Mark added, ?It?s there ? and if not, I will extract it.?

The duo?s plans have yet to be announced but it sounds like a project is in the works for the near future.

Brody Dalle Brooke Burke Brooke Burns Busy Philipps

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