Friday, July 1, 2011

Unlikely Style Inspiration: The Ghost Sisters From "The Shining"

Photo of little girls from The Shining

A couple weeks ago, my brother and his girlfriend convinced me to watch "The Shining" with them. I was hesitant because I hate scary movies (I still have nightmares about the 15 minutes of "Scream" I watched accidentally in 1996), but they insisted it was a classic and I needed to see it in order to be a productive member of society. Unsurprisingly, the movie totally freaked me out. Surprisingly, when I wasn't hiding my face in a couch pillow, I was being super inspired by the fashion, from Shelley Duvall's chunky sweaters to Jack Nicholson's slim-cut suits…

Fergie Foxy Brown Freida Pinto FSU Cowgirls

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